Workshop Proposals

We invite experts in different areas to organize either a tutorial or a workshop to be held on the first day of the conference (September 12, 2022). Tutorials are meant to provide insights into specific topics through hands-on training and interactive experiences. Workshops are exciting opportunities to present a focused research topic cumulatively. Tutorials and workshops can be half- or full-day in duration including oral presentations, posters and live demonstrations. Submission format: two double-column pages in standard IEEE format including title, duration (half day or full day), concept, target audience, list of speakers, open to paper/poster submission, website link. Templates LaTeX and Word Templates for the conference papers are available. The templates are standard IEEE two-column paper templates, to be used for all submission types. Submission needs to use US letter format in [Template download]. It is suggested to remove all the headers, copyright statements and page numbers from the templates because paper size and margins on each page are enforced, if authors do not remove these, they will not be able to upload their papers. Submission Page